Snowboarding can be an expensive pursuit, so knowing how to save a little money can help you get more equipment and spend more time on the snow. Buying a used board is one way to cut the cost of having quality gear.
I’ve been snowboarding for most of my life. I’ve purchased dozens of boards over the years, some new and some used. This experience makes me well qualified to give you some advice on buying a used board.
In this article, I’ll show everything you need to know when buying a used snowboard. It’s not rocket science, but keeping the tips you’ll find here in mind when shopping around can pay off.
Let’s start looking for your new, used board!
Why You Should Buy a Used Snowboard
The biggest reason to buy a used snowboard is that it can be significantly less expensive than purchasing a new one. You can easily save 50% or more off what the same board would cost brand new.
However, there are some important factors to keep in mind when buying a used board to make sure you get one that isn’t highly damaged.
A used board can also be a good idea for anyone who wants to have multiple boards in their quiver but doesn’t have the money to purchase all of them new. There are great deals out there. You just need to know where to find them and what to look for in a used board.
How to Buy a Used Snowboard
Here is my best advice for purchasing a used snowboard. If you keep these tips in mind when looking around, it will help you find a better quality board for a lower price.
Step 1: Know Where to Look
There are a few different places you can look for a used board. Sometimes it can be as easy as asking a friend or fellow snowboarder, but usually, you’ll have to do at least some searching around.
One of my favorite places to find a used snowboard is on well-known websites such as Craigslist and eBay. These sites function as modern-day classified ads, and you can find many good deals on snowboards and other gear here.
You’ll want to look around for boards that are in your local area so that you can see them in person. Ordering a used board online without seeing it can be risky because it might have damage that doesn’t show up in pictures.
Finding some options can be as easy as typing in the model name or size of the snowboard you want to find. You can also search for ‘snowboard’ and see what comes up.
End of Season Sales at Snowboard Shops
Some snowboard shops also sell off some of their inventory at the end of the winter season. You can find a high-quality board this way that is still relatively new. Give your local shop a call or email to see if they sell old inventory.
Step 2: Check for Damage
The biggest issue with buying a used board is that there is always the possibility that it might be damaged. You always want to check for damage before buying a board, and seeing it in person is the best way to do this.
Check for these signs of damage:
Take a look at the sidewalls of the board and inspect for any cracks, splits, or other damage. Sidewalls that are in very poor shape can mean the board has been beaten up pretty badly, and it’s not worth spending money on.
Core Shots
Another important thing to look for on a used board is the presence of any core shots. Severe core damage can compromise the integrity of the board and cause it to ride poorly. This damage can continue to get worse once it starts.
Look for signs of repair or damage on the base of the board to check for core shots. If you see any base repairs, ask the owner if they hit the base. If you notice bumps or raised surfaces on the top of the board, that’s another sign of core damage.
Sidewall Separation
Sidewall separation is another sign of damage that should prevent you from buying a used board. If you look at the board from the side angle again and see any gaps between the edge and the sidewall, that’s a bad sign.
Water can get into these areas and damage the board quickly. If you see this sort of separation, you should probably pass on making the purchase.
Step 3: Negotiate a Price
Another tip for buying a used board is to negotiate on the price. The listed price is rarely set in stone, and you can often talk the seller down quite a bit for even more savings.
Negotiation is an excellent skill to have, so do your best to be firm but willing to haggle when you try to decide upon a price. This works well for private party transactions but isn’t always possible if you buy a used board from a snowboarding shop.
Final Thoughts
There are plenty of used boards in good shape that are worth buying out there. But some boards are so damaged that they aren’t worth much money at all and can be beyond repair.
When you find a used board you like, keep the tips mentioned above in mind so you can find an affordable option you can ride for a few seasons without worrying about its past. Remember, it’s easier to spot damage in person than in pictures!
About Lorraine