A helmet is not technically required at most resorts for snowboarding. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear one. A helmet is a critical piece of safety equipment that can save your life if you take a terrible fall.
I’ve been snowboarding for decades, and I always wear a snowboard helmet. Even if it’s not required, I know the importance of wearing a helmet and suggest you understand this as well.
This post will explore if helmets are required when snowboarding. I’ll tell you where you should look to see if a helmet is required and why you always want to wear one regardless.
Let’s go.
Snowboarding Helmet Requirements
Most resorts do not require that you wear a snowboarding helmet. While some locations do, they are few and far between. You should always check the rules for the resort you are visiting to know for sure.
Despite helmets not being required, the vast majority of snowboarders these days still wear one. That’s because it is a safe thing to do. If you are new to snowboarding, understanding the importance of a helmet is a must.
I kind of wish that snowboarding helmets were required. Every year, people die on the slopes because they are not wearing a helmet. A lot of this could be prevented if there were rules in place requiring all riders to wear one.
I’m sure you know someone who never wears a helmet. When I was younger, I didn’t always wear one either. But today, I would never even consider going snowboarding without a helmet. I’ve seen too many accidents, and I don’t want that to happen to me.
Why You Should Wear a Helmet
Snowboarding is a dangerous sport. Even if you are a very skilled rider, some things will always be out of your control. And head injuries are some of the most severe injuries that can happen when you ride.
You can easily crack your head on the hard-packed snow if you take a fall. Or you might run into a tree. Or another rider might come shooting up out of nowhere and take you out. And you’ll be better off in all of these situations if you have a helmet.
Modern helmets are easily available and very comfortable to wear. They aren’t bulky or inconvenient at all, and they are also relatively affordable. There is no good excuse not to wear a helmet, and trust me, you want one.
Death is the biggest risk you take when you don’t wear a helmet. But you can also get a traumatic brain injury that could permanently change your life and affect your ability to ride in the future.
Wearing a helmet significantly reduces your potential risk of severe head injury and death. Not wearing one increases your risk for both of these. Why play around with these risks when they are so easy to prevent?
Here are a few quick answers to some commonly asked questions relating to snowboarding helmet requirements.
What kind of helmet do you need for snowboarding?
You should get a helmet that is designed for snowboarding. These helmets will provide you with adequate protection from impacts and also help keep you warm as you ride. There are many different options available.
Is there a difference between ski helmets and snowboard helmets?
There really isn’t any difference between ski helmets and snowboard helmets besides how they are marketed. Both of these helmets will give you good protection in case of a fall and come with other features to help you stay more comfortable in the cold.
Can I snowboard with a damaged helmet?
If your helmet has any sort of damage, you should get a new one before riding. Some helmets are only designed to take one impact, and they won’t protect your head once this has occurred. If you notice any dents or cracks on your helmet, it’s time for a new one.
Final Thoughts
You need to wear a helmet when you snowboard. It might not be a requirement, and no one will get you in trouble for not wearing one, but it’s simply not worth the risk. If you want to continue riding for as long as possible, you need a helmet!
About Lorraine