How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Snowboard?

Most snowboarders will end up renting equipment at one point or another. Whether you are just getting started with the sport or want to try out a new model, renting is a good option that gives you convenience and flexibility. 

I’m a certified snowboard instructor who has been riding for decades. I’ve rented too many boards to count over the years and have a good idea of how much it costs. 

In this post, I’ll break down the cost of renting a snowboard. The price can vary depending on where you rent and what type of board you want, but I’ll show you the ballpark numbers here. 

Let’s get rolling. 

Quick Answer

The cost of renting a snowboard will almost always fall between $30-100/day. At the low end of that range, you can get basic beginner equipment. The high end is for more advanced level and higher-quality gear. 

You can save on the cost of a rental if you only need to rent a board and already have your boots and bindings. 

The Cost of Renting a Board

Rental costs can vary pretty considerably depending on where and how long you need to rent. You can expect to pay $30-100 for each day that you rent snowboarding equipment. 

Typically, it’s cheaper to rent away from the resort. You can usually save money if you go to a shop in a resort town that is not right on the mountain. Resorts can charge higher prices because people who go there usually aren’t shopping around for other options. 

You can also save money if you rent for multiple days in a row. Many rental shops offer discounts for extended rentals or even give you a day free if you rent for a certain amount of days. 

Beginner-level rentals are cheaper than intermediate or demo rentals. You’ll get basic equipment with a beginner rental that will be average in terms of quality and performance. That doesn’t mean this equipment is terrible – it’s just not the best. 

If you want the best rental equipment, you’ll want to go with demo rentals. Demo is what rental shops call their highest-quality rentals. These are also the most expensive and can easily be double the cost of a basic rental. 

A complete rental package, which is the standard option, comes with boots and bindings. If you don’t need boots, the rental cost will go down slightly, but usually not that much. Some rental shops also include a helmet in the price. 

It can pay off to plan ahead. Some rental shops have coupons or discounts that they offer if you know where to look. You’ll almost always pay more for rentals if you just show up to the shop or resort and rent equipment. 

Renting vs Buying

Depending on how often you go snowboarding, you might want to consider buying equipment instead of renting it all the time. Owning equipment is an excellent idea for any rider who wants to get on the snow often and has a love for the sport. 

If you think you’ll ride more than 5-7 times a year, I recommend buying your equipment. This will be an initial investment in terms of the cost to buy everything, but you’ll save money in the long run. 

If you think about the average rental cost being about $40 and then multiply that by 7, you get $280. You can get a pretty decent snowboard for $300-400, so you can see how buying gear can pay off quickly. 

Renting still has advantages. You don’t have to travel with your equipment, which is pretty convenient. You also can try out several different types of boards if you want to.   


Here are a few quick answers to some common questions relating to how much it costs to rent a snowboard. 

Is it better to rent or buy a snowboard?

It really depends on how often you plan on going snowboarding. If you think you’ll go more than five times in a season, buying your gear is the way to go. If you only plan on going a few days a year, renting will save you money. 

How much does it cost to go snowboarding for a day?

The cost will depend on where you rent and what type of equipment you get, but generally, gear will cost you $50-150/day. Lift tickets will cost you another $100/200 a day. Add these two figures together, and a day of riding can be $150-350/day. Read this article to learn more.

How much does it cost to rent a snowboard at Big Bear?

A beginner snowboard rental package at Big Bear in California will cost you $25.95/day. An intermediate rental package will cost you $35.95/day. If you just need a snowboard, that will cost $23.95

How much does it cost to rent a snowboard in Tahoe? 

A snowboard package in Tahoe will cost you between $32-52/day. A basic rental package that includes bindings and boots will cost $32/day, while a demo package with more high-end equipment will cost $52/day.

Final Thoughts

Renting a snowboard is very convenient, and you can find rental options at resorts and ski towns worldwide. Just keep in mind that buying equipment has its advantages, especially if you plan on riding more than a few times a season.

About Lorraine
I'm a certified snowboard instructor. My first experience with snowboarding occurred at an indoor resort. One run had me hooked, and it has turned into a lifelong passion ever since then. I'm here to share with you some of the tips and advice I have learned along the way.

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